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(603) 823-8042

Dentist Office Managers

45,136Total Dentist Office Managers Postal Addresses$75/M
45,136With Telephone Numbers+ $15/M
3,976With Email Addresses$300/M Blast or $325/M Released
45,136With Dentist by Name+ $30/M

These highly trained and educated Medical Office Managers are responsible for purchase decisions and day-to-day management of busy dental practices. They typically supervise operations, and give advice to dentists on business strategies and ways to improve patient care.

These Dentist Office Managers are an excellent audience for management seminars, office supplies, medical supplies and equipment, medical journals, recruitment, medical apparel, business and marketing services, and more. They are also a great market for consumer offers, such as vacations, magazines, gifts, credit cards, and more.

See why Complete Medical Lists is the source for Dentist Office Managers:

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Additional Segments for Dentist Office Managers

Dentist Office Size
28,684Office Size 1
13,752Office Size 2
1,725Office Size 3-4
975Office Size 5-10
Dentist Specialty
36,294General Dentistry
1Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
14Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
201Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
2,145Oral Surgery
1Public Health


Office Size$15/M
Physician/Dentist Name$30/M

Delivery Charges

P/S Labels:$20/M
Key Coding:$2/M

Ordering Instructions

Why Choose Complete Medical Lists?

We are serious about accuracy. Each and every order is validated up to six times, including:

In fact, we're so sure of our accuracy, we have a 95% Deliverability Guarantee so you can feel confident that you are reaching verified addresses.

We're also proud of how comprehensive our lists are. No one else has medical data with as much specialty, demographic, and lifestyle information as we do. Whether you're looking for specialty doctors, affluent travelers, catalog shoppers, or a combination of all of those - we have you covered. Our hundreds of select options ensure your ideal audience is targeted.

Call us today at (603) 823-8042 and let us help you start finding new clients.