17,790,182 | Total Business Executives at Home Address Postal Addresses | $125/M |
4,548,950 | With Home Telephone Numbers | + $15/M |
1,371,623 | With DNC Scrubbed Home Telephone Numbers | + $15/M |
11,836,523 | With Email Addresses | $225/M Blast or Released |
This comprehensive file allows marketers to reach Business Executives away from the stresses of their office. This file includes "C-Suite" Executives (Chief Executive Officers, Chief Operating Officers, Chief Financial Officers, etc), as well as upper and middle management.
Selectable by title, industry, income, gender, age, and hundreds of demographic options. These executives are excellent prospects for seminars, recruitment, and industry journals, as well as most consumer offers, such as vacations, financial offers, real estate offers, catalogs, and much more.
See why Complete Medical Lists is the source for Business Executives at Home Address:
Get a free count & quote - just let us know the details below:
9,400,357 | Male |
6,479,019 | Female |
Sample of Available Titles | |
50,718 | Board of Directors |
393,994 | Chief Executive Officer |
58,765 | Chief Financial Officer |
25,190 | Chief Operating Officer |
512,272 | Director |
60,502 | Information Technology |
2,017,910 | Owner |
200,631 | Partner |
1,266,790 | President |
394,681 | Vice President |
Industry Type | |
224,430 | Agricultural Production - Crops |
84,574 | Agricultural Production - Livestock and Animal Specialties |
308,387 | Agricultural Services |
9,042 | Forestry |
3,110 | Fishing, Hunting and Trapping |
1,256 | Metal Mining |
999 | Coal Mining |
26,662 | Oil and Gas Extraction |
4,344 | Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels |
562,985 | Building Cnstrctn - General Contractors & Operative Builders |
48,544 | Heavy Cnstrctn, Except Building Construction - Contractors |
756,221 | Construction - Special Trade Contractors |
53,087 | Food and Kindred Products |
499 | Tobacco Products |
10,168 | Textile Mill Products |
20,653 | Apparel, Finished Prdcts from Fabrics & Similar Materials |
46,315 | Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture |
13,375 | Furniture and Fixtures |
11,945 | Paper and Allied Products |
101,254 | Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries |
62,081 | Chemicals and Allied Products |
4,321 | Petroleum Refining and Related Industries |
23,655 | Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products |
4,154 | Leather and Leather Products |
20,092 | Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products |
14,263 | Primary Metal Industries |
58,656 | Fabricated Metal Prdcts, Except Machinery & Transport Eqpmnt |
95,821 | Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment |
52,230 | Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt |
36,115 | Transportation Equipment |
50,879 | Mesr/Anlyz/Cntrl Instrmnts; Photo/Med/Opt Gds; Watchs/Clocks |
61,787 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries |
2,185 | Railroad Transportation |
40,988 | Local, Suburban Transit & Interurbn Hgwy Passenger Transport |
292,134 | Motor Freight Transportation |
11,209 | United States Postal Service |
10,923 | Water Transportation |
20,257 | Transportation by Air |
892 | Pipelines, Except Natural Gas |
331,760 | Transportation Services |
120,915 | Communications |
81,319 | Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services |
365,673 | Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods |
249,774 | Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods |
77,809 | Building Matrials, Hrdwr, Garden Supply & Mobile Home Dealrs |
31,710 | General Merchandise Stores |
149,394 | Food Stores |
191,419 | Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations |
159,214 | Apparel and Accessory Stores |
145,683 | Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores |
298,222 | Eating and Drinking Places |
494,748 | Miscellaneous Retail |
114,146 | Depository Institutions |
52,023 | Nondepository Credit Institutions |
104,425 | Security & Commodity Brokers, Dealers, Exchanges & Services |
49,991 | Insurance Carriers |
168,138 | Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service |
762,670 | Real Estate |
437,814 | Holding and Other Investment Offices |
87,034 | Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging Places |
504,757 | Personal Services |
1,869,933 | Business Services |
236,188 | Automotive Repair, Services and Parking |
286,448 | Miscellaneous Repair Services |
93,532 | Motion Pictures |
298,073 | Amusement and Recreation Services |
909,496 | Health Services |
261,597 | Legal Services |
1,318,897 | Educational Services |
351,926 | Social Services |
29,264 | Museums, Art Galleries and Botanical and Zoological Gardens |
525,827 | Membership Organizations |
1,318,091 | Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs |
55,797 | Services, Not Elsewhere Classified |
98,484 | Executive, Legislative & General Government, Except Finance |
57,840 | Justice, Public Order and Safety |
5,486 | Public Finance, Taxation and Monetary Policy |
19,663 | Administration of Human Resource Programs |
19,443 | Administration of Environmental Quality and Housing Programs |
18,321 | Administration of Economic Programs |
9,063 | National Security and International Affairs |
State | |
49,385 | Alaska |
218,050 | Alabama |
156,139 | Arkansas |
494,623 | Arizona |
1,751,509 | California |
337,838 | Colorado |
244,110 | Connecticut |
30,606 | District of Columbia |
39,118 | Delaware |
1,853,112 | Florida |
755,676 | Georgia |
67,526 | Hawaii |
187,184 | Iowa |
115,945 | Idaho |
639,926 | Illinois |
387,974 | Indiana |
140,827 | Kansas |
180,382 | Kentucky |
351,377 | Louisiana |
379,100 | Massachusetts |
259,863 | Maryland |
67,335 | Maine |
486,527 | Michigan |
372,248 | Minnesota |
396,575 | Missouri |
169,953 | Mississippi |
108,310 | Montana |
479,750 | North Carolina |
45,042 | North Dakota |
111,750 | Nebraska |
89,138 | New Hampshire |
385,566 | New Jersey |
110,719 | New Mexico |
161,666 | Nevada |
709,701 | New York |
595,099 | Ohio |
168,231 | Oklahoma |
298,939 | Oregon |
543,111 | Pennsylvania |
48,559 | Rhode Island |
231,813 | South Carolina |
54,258 | South Dakota |
246,130 | Tennessee |
1,762,132 | Texas |
249,200 | Utah |
405,551 | Virginia |
48,700 | Vermont |
419,911 | Washington |
270,156 | Wisconsin |
72,725 | West Virginia |
41,117 | Wyoming |
Landline Phone Number | $15/M |
Cell Phone Number | $20/M |
Geography | $5/M |
Job Title | $5/M |
Employee Size | $5/M |
Sales Volume | $5/M |
Public/Privately Owned | $5/M |
Minority Owned | $5/M |
Veteran Owned | $5/M |
Woman Owned | $5/M |
Output Business Address | $25/M |
Demographics | |
Age | $5/M |
Birth Month / Date | $15/M |
Gender | $5/M |
Marital Status | $5/M |
HH Income | $5/M |
Education | $5/M |
Occupation | $5/M |
Political Party | $5/M |
Language Spoken | $15/M |
Religion | $15/M |
Veteran | $10/M |
Geography: $5/M | |
Zip Code, SCF, Zip Radius, CBSA, County | |
Family | |
Presence of Child(ren) | $5/M |
# of Children in HH | $5/M |
# of Adults in HH | $5/M |
Child's Age | $5/M |
Child's Gender | $5/M |
Generations in HH | $5/M |
Senior Adults in HH | $5/M |
Single Parent | $10/M |
Property | |
Homeowner/Renter | $5/M |
Dwelling Type | $5/M |
Length of Residence | $10/M |
Home Value | $10/M |
Home Loan Amount | $15/M |
Home Swimming Pool | $15/M |
Home Sq. Ft. | $15/M |
Home Year Built | $15/M |
Characteristics | |
Green Living | $15/M |
Self Employed | $20/M |
Home Office | $22.50/M |
Financial | |
Personal Investments | $15/M |
Foreign Investments | $15/M |
Stocks & Bonds Investments | $15/M |
Active Investor | $20/M |
Property Investor | $20/M |
Net Worth | $15/M |
Buyer Activity | |
Avg. $ per Order | $10/M |
Dollars Spent Online/Offline | $10/M |
Last Order Date | $10/M |
Mail Order/Catalog Buyer | $10/M |
Catalog Type Buyer | $10/M |
Mail Responder | $10/M |
Method of Payment | $10/M |
Purchases by Month | $10/M |
Retail Purchase Category | $17.50/M |
Buyer Product Category: $10/M | |
Mens/Womens Apparel, High End Appliances, Arts & Antiques, Automotive, Books, Childrens Products, Club Memberships, Collectibles, Crafts & Hobbies, Discount Merchandise, Fishing, Food & Beverage, Gardening, Health & Beauty, Home Furnishings, Home Office, Hunting, Jewelry, Military Memorabilia, Musical Instruments, Pets, Photography/Video, Sports & Leisure, Travel Packages, Video & DVDs | |
Sports Interest: $10/M | |
NASCAR / Auto Racing, Skiing, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Soccer, Tennis, Memorabilia | |
Donor: $10/M | |
Recent Donation, Mail Order Donor, Animal Welfare Causes, Arts & Cultural Causes, Childrens Causes, Environment / Wildlife Causes, Health Causes, Political Causes, Religious Causes, Veterans Causes | |
Lifestyle & Hobbies: $10/M | |
Antiques, Apple/Mac User, Arts, Automotive Work, Aviation, Beauty & Cosmetics, Boat Owner, Camping/Hiking, Career Improvement, Childrens' Interests, Civic Activities/Charities, Collectibles, Cooking, Current Affairs/Politics, Equestrian, Games - Board/Computer/Video, Gardening, Grandchildren, History/Military/Veteran, Home Improvement, Avid Music Listener, Pet Owner - Cat/Dog, Reading, Science/Space, Tobacco Smoker | |
Health Interest: $10/M | |
Bicycling, Dieting/Weight Loss, Health/Natural Food, Physical/Aerobic Exercise, Running/Jogging Exercise, Walking for Exercise | |
Travel Interest: $10/M | |
Cruise Vacations, Domestic Travel, International Travel |
Email: | $25/F |
P/S Labels: | $20/M |
Key Coding: | $2/M |
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We're also proud of how comprehensive our lists are. No one else has medical data with as much specialty, demographic, and lifestyle information as we do. Whether you're looking for specialty doctors, affluent travelers, catalog shoppers, or a combination of all of those - we have you covered. Our hundreds of select options ensure your ideal audience is targeted.
Call us today at (603) 823-8042 and let us help you start finding new clients.