47,517 | Total Doctors Office Managers Postal Addresses | $75/M |
47,517 | With Telephone Numbers | + $15/M |
47,517 | With Physicians by Name | + $30/M |
748 | With Email Addresses | $300/M Blast or $325/M Released |
These highly trained Doctors' Office Managers are responsible for purchase decisions and business management of busy physician practices. They typically supervise day-to-day operations and advise physicians on business strategies and ways to improve patient care.
This comprehensive database is compiled from more than 50 different data sources to include every known Doctor's Office Manager in America. The data is then reverified up to six more times to ensure accuracy. This accuracy and depth of coverage make this file invaluable to healthcare marketers.
These Office Managers are excellent prospects for management seminars, medical publications, office and computer supplies, business and marketing services, and much more.
See why Complete Medical Lists is the source for Doctors' Office Managers at Office Address:
Get a free count & quote - just let us know the details below:
Office Specialty | |
152 | Addiction Medicine |
335 | Adolescent Medicine Pediatrics |
165 | Adult Reconstructive Orthopedics |
224 | Allergist |
936 | Allergy Immunology |
245 | Anatomic Clinical Pathology |
898 | Anesthesiology |
1,910 | Cardiovascular Disease |
108 | Child Neurology |
521 | Child Psychiatry |
148 | Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology |
248 | Clinical Neurophysiology |
199 | Clinical Pathology |
144 | Colon Rectal Surgery |
328 | Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine |
268 | Dermatologic Surgery |
1,806 | Dermatology |
140 | Dermatopathology |
281 | Diagnostic Radiologist |
1,270 | Emergency Medicine Specialist |
808 | Endocrinology Diabetes Metabolism |
10,207 | Family Practitioner |
1,163 | Gastroenterology |
1,433 | General Practitioner |
2,974 | General Surgery |
201 | Geriatrics Family Medicine |
393 | Geriatrics Internal Medicine |
146 | Gynecologic Oncology |
405 | Gynecology |
274 | Hand Surgery |
110 | Head Neck Surgery |
175 | Hematology |
207 | Hematology Internal Medicine |
959 | Hematology Oncology |
555 | Hospitalist |
381 | Infectious Disease Specialist |
13,088 | Internal Medicine |
371 | Internal Medicine Pediatrics |
516 | Interventional Cardiology |
170 | Legal Medicine |
122 | Maternal Fetal Medicine |
546 | Medical Oncology |
943 | Nephrology |
1,541 | Neurology |
396 | Neurosurgery |
188 | Obstetrics |
3,254 | Obstetrics Gynecology |
336 | Occupational Medicine Spec |
2,036 | Ophthalmology |
300 | Oral Maxillofacial Surgery |
256 | Orthopedic Hand Surgery |
176 | Orthopedic Spine Surgery |
2,124 | Orthopedic Surgery |
128 | Orthopedics |
122 | Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine |
1,019 | Otolaryngology |
672 | Pain Management Specialist |
457 | Pain Medicine Anesthesiology |
209 | Pain Medicine Phys Med Rehab |
253 | Pathology |
5,479 | Pediatrics |
674 | Physical Medicine Rehab Specialist |
862 | Plastic Surgery |
211 | Plastic Surgery Facial |
118 | Plastic Surgery Head Neck |
161 | Preventive Medicine Specialist |
175 | Procedural Dermatology |
1,851 | Psychiatry |
487 | Pulmonary Critical Care |
822 | Pulmonology |
331 | Radiation Oncology |
194 | Radiologist |
171 | Reproductive Endocrinology |
249 | Retinal Specialist |
666 | Rheumatology |
321 | Sleep Medicine |
364 | Sports Medicine Family |
599 | Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgery |
101 | Surgical Oncology |
239 | Thoracic Surgery |
842 | Urology |
395 | Vascular Surgery |
States | |
115 | Alaska |
831 | Alabama |
426 | Arkansas |
889 | Arizona |
4,905 | California |
692 | Colorado |
676 | Connecticut |
99 | District of Columbia |
188 | Delaware |
4,205 | Florida |
1,702 | Georgia |
205 | Hawaii |
302 | Iowa |
255 | Idaho |
1,495 | Illinois |
898 | Indiana |
345 | Kansas |
708 | Kentucky |
712 | Louisiana |
933 | Massachusetts |
1,157 | Maryland |
212 | Maine |
1,666 | Michigan |
378 | Minnesota |
804 | Missouri |
426 | Mississippi |
105 | Montana |
1,535 | North Carolina |
40 | North Dakota |
228 | Nebraska |
173 | New Hampshire |
1,878 | New Jersey |
212 | New Mexico |
372 | Nevada |
3,342 | New York |
1,703 | Ohio |
539 | Oklahoma |
511 | Oregon |
2,156 | Pennsylvania |
188 | Rhode Island |
804 | South Carolina |
81 | South Dakota |
1,027 | Tennessee |
3,914 | Texas |
364 | Utah |
1,475 | Virginia |
104 | Vermont |
745 | Washington |
430 | Wisconsin |
289 | West Virginia |
78 | Wyoming |
Specialty | $5/M |
Office Size | $15/M |
Geography | $5/M |
Physician/Dentist Name | $30/M |
Email: | $25/F |
P/S Labels: | $20/M |
Key Coding: | $2/M |
We are serious about accuracy. Each and every order is validated up to six times, including:
In fact, we're so sure of our accuracy, we have a 95% Deliverability Guarantee so you can feel confident that you are reaching verified addresses.
We're also proud of how comprehensive our lists are. No one else has medical data with as much specialty, demographic, and lifestyle information as we do. Whether you're looking for specialty doctors, affluent travelers, catalog shoppers, or a combination of all of those - we have you covered. Our hundreds of select options ensure your ideal audience is targeted.
Call us today at (603) 823-8042 and let us help you start finding new clients.